Charter Flights
FreightGate offers chartered passenger and cargo flights to all destinations in the world, even the hard to reach ones. Transporting oversized and heavy objects is our special strength.
- A charter flight is a cost efficient mode of transport when there is a group of passengers or a lot of cargo to be transported from one place to another within a tight schedule.
- Charter flight is a solution for destinations that are not necessarily accessible by your everyday airlines. Disaster areas, war zones or unstable circumstances are no excuses for us not to transport your cargo or passengers.
- With our wide network of respected partners we are always able to provide the right equipment to fit your transportation needs, from light aircraft to mighty jumbo jets.
- We provide all the required forwarding and customs services as well as ground transports.
- Now available: Special rates for one way Cargo Charters using MD-11 airliners from any European airport to North and Central America as well as the Caribbean and the northern parts of South America.
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